Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stop and Say Thank You.

My best friend Liz and I bought the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan to read together in like January. We both started it, but unfortunately didn't finish it. I got about a 3rd of the way through when other things consumed my time and it then got used as a coaster for the rest of the stuff on my bedside table. When packing to come to Moldova I though "O hey I should definitely bring that and read it!" Well I brought it, but didn't get around to reading it again until about a month ago when someone from the states brought it up in a conversation and mentioned how it changed her life and her view on God's love for us. So curious on how this could be I found the book in my box of random stuff and started to read it again. I'm about half way through with it. A chapter that I have read more than twice is the first one. It talks about God's creation, and how crazy his love and power is to have thought up and created all the things that he has.
There are MORE than 350,000,000,000 galaxies that God created. A caterpillar has 228 separate and distinct muscles in its head. The average elm tree has approximately 6 million leaves on it. Your heart generates enough pressure as it pumps blood throughout your body that it could squirt blood up to 30 feet. When you get goose bumps the hair follicles are actually helping you stay warmer by trapping body heat.- These are some examples from the book that show just a little bit how huge our God is. He is bigger and more powerful than we can ever imagine.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."-Psalm 19:1-4

Think of all the places in this world that God created. Exclude the pictures from your mind that include buildings or anything man made. Although man has been given many skills and talents and have used them to create many good things, I want to focus on the pure creation of God. Think of all the oceans, all the mountains, all the waterfalls, the rain forests, all the different types of plants, all the different fruits and vegetables that grow from the earth, think of the snow that covers the arctic in complete white, the desert that even though hot is still beautiful, and all the endless places and things God has created. This is His creation that we live on, and it is amazingly breath taking. When I went to Canada a few years ago we went hiking in Banff, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't help but stop, look, and think "only God could have created this". I don't always do this though. I think of all the places I've been able to go and see and how few times I stopped and thanked God for creating them.
WE have been given this earth by God, He created it for us. How often do we stop and thank God for it? Do ever take 2 seconds to stop and say, "God thank you"?

"In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made by him, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and that life was the light of all people. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it." John 1:1-5

"It is by faith we understand that the whole world was made by God's command so what we see was made by something that cannot be seen"-Hebrews 11:3

We are to worship God for what He has given us. To look it everything he has creating and given us, is a very humbling experience.

Psalm 8 talks about the Lord's greatness.

"I look at your heavens, which you made with your fingers. I see the moon and stars, which you created. But why are people even important to you? Why do you take care of human beings? You made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You put them in charge of everything you made. You put all things under their control:all the sheep, the cattle, and the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that lives under the water." Psalm 8:3-8

This passage asks the question to God, why are people even important to you? God has entrusted us with all of these things, including His great creation. Why would He put us in charge? Do you ever feel not good enough for this earth and for this creation? God is so mighty, why would he choose us?
We are ALSO God's creation. He not only created the heavens and the earth, but he created US!

"Then God said, 'Let us make human beings in our image and likeness. And let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the tame animals, over all the earth, and over all the small crawling animals on earth. So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God He created them."-Genesis 1:26-27

The God who we worship is not one who does things just because he has the power to. God has a reason for everything. He created you in HIS image. He has a purpose for your life. Just like he has a purpose for all his creation, He has a reason for having you in this creation.
You are a part of the creation.
God created you.
There is no one else like you.
It is very easy to get overwhelmed and thing that you aren't good enough for God and his creation. But have hope in God, because He has formed you, and He has formed you in His image.
I encourage you as you go throughout your day to look through different eyes. Look all around you at what God has created, and the fact that He has given it to us.
Stop and thank God today.

God put me here for a reason, and it is to serve. Moldova may not be the richest country, or the prettiest, but God is moving here and to me that is more beautiful than any mountain or river. I see God's love growing here, and that's how I know that this is where I am supposed to be.

This was the chapel that I presented this morning, I hope that the words that God gave me are a blessing and encouragement to you.

Much love and God Bless,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I know what you're thinking...

So Moldova has changed me in many ways, but one habit I have not gotten rid of is procrastination....
I feel like I say that I'm sorry a lot, but I really am, and I know that my mom is tired of telling me I need to post another blog.
So we went on our vacation and it was absolutely amazing. We were able to see so much in just 10 days. We started in Rome and ended in Munich. I'm still thanking God for giving us the opportunity to travel and relax.
Once we got back to Moldova it was time for the last camp, except this time we were the campers. All the seminary students went to the camp and spent 4 days there getting to know each other and the rules and expectations of seminary. It was really cool to get to meet who I will be studying with this year.
We then came back and seminary started the following Monday (2 weeks ago). Our first class was Hermeneutics, which is a 6 week class, and this was the 1st of 3 sections. The class is taught with the book "Applying and Understanding the Bible". All the classes are taught in English, so the 3 Americans are currently very thankful for our native language. Just 2 weeks of this class has taught me a lot that I wasn't expecting. It was a lot of work, but very rewarding. We learned how to do word studies, mechanical layouts, and different approaches to scripture that are wrong and how to recognize them. Our next class is going to be taught by an American professor who arrived here tonight from Georgia. The class will be over Ephesians, which I am very excited about. I can tell that God is going to teach me a lot through these classes. My original intent of coming to Moldova wasn't to be a student, but God is definitely going to use this experience in my life I know. Even though the schedule and work load reminds me a little too much of high school, I'm very excited and actually motivated to learn this stuff. I'm very blessed to have this opportunity.
Other than seminary we are staying very busy in ministry at KBC. I'm still taking pictures at the kids and youth meetings, and helping out with the youth. One relationship that I'm very excited about, is with a girl named Hellen. She went to youth camp last year as an unbeliever, and returned this year unaware of the change she was about to make in her life. Many people talked to her throughout the week, and before it was over she gave her life to Christ. I just remember her saying to me one night that she can't ignore this calling anymore, she can't keep running from God. She is from an orthodox family, where traditions run very deep. It has been so cool and encouraging to see the change in her. You can see God shining through her face now. God has put a special place in my heart for her, and we have been communicating every day. It is so humbling to see God's fruit. This is the reason I am here. Hellen is only 1 year younger than me, and I am honored to now call her my Sister in Christ.
God is moving here in Moldova. It may be through a bag of food, a visit to the elderly, some donated clothes, a text message, a smile on the street, a high five, a hug, a picture, or any other funny or small thing that God uses. He is alive, and he is moving.
It's been over 3 months that I have been 3 months that I have been here, and I still love it. There has been challenging moments, and times when I've missed familiar surroundings and people, but I still know without a doubt that this is where God wants me right now. I haven't ever experienced this feeling in my heart before. God is great.
Just a few prayer requests:
-My studies at seminary
-Hellen and her new relationship with God
-My chapel that I am leading this Tuesday
-A permanent home for KBC
-language barrier

Thank you all so much for who you are, and the blessing that you are.
Much love and God Bless,

"May we experience your faithfulness, O Lord, for we wait for you." Psalms 33:22